Hey there.... I have been soooo MIA. I wonder to myself, "Self, what have you been doing??" Well, I just don't have a great answer. Mostly life has been happening and it has been preventing me from getting other fun things done. But just incase you are worried I am only filling my time with cleaning floors and changing diapers, I thought I would share a few cards with you tonight:
the new Christmas sets from
Pink Persimmon helped me make these cards:

This baby is all silver embossed and flat flat flat. well, except for the button that I couldn't do without! This
new set is just charming with last years
Holly Wreath set. Looks lovely embossed!

This second card has been up over at the Pink Persimmon blog so I thought I would throw it on at the end. I stamped the star image as a background using some Galaxy Gold ink that is nice and shimmery. It creeps up the page. I added a ric rac edge and there is a gem at the top of this tree. My camera has been naughty this last little while. The auto focus is super messed up and so picture taking is less than enjoyable and the outcome is borderline horrible. I can barely photoshop these pics into being viewable. But there you have it anyway. I hope to be back with a super fun giveaway that is NOT paper related, well, it is a paper (book!) but not for paper crafts. It's going to take me through this Thanksgiving holiday to get it pulled together though, but be sure to check back in a week or so. I hope to get some card making in too, so I am not so out of touch with you all.
What do you have planned for your holiday coming up? (well, I guess just us USA-ers) I have some in-laws coming into town and we are all chomping at the bit to see them! Thanksgiving will be BBQ turkey this year with all the fixin's. It's actually the first time I have ever had to do it myself, so it should get interesting.
Even if you are not celebrating something, I hope you have a wonderful week with those you love.
See you soon!